Reasons for possible delays & cost overruns on projects

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Reasons for possible delays & cost overruns on projects


Reasons for possible delays & cost overruns on projects

12 February 2010 11:23
Hi, I am preparing a report and compiling all possible (real life) reasons which has delayed the projects and/or lead to cost overruns. I can name a few (mentioned below) but can you add to this list ? Weather Poor Labor Productivity Labor Unions - Strikes, slowdown etc Force Majure Delivery of key equipment Poor/Re- Engineering Thanks,
Last Edit: 14 years, 4 months ago by . Reason: (NULL)
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30 Sep 2017

Re: Reasons for possible delays on projects

11 March 2010 11:25
Hi, I will add the following reasons Poor planning Poor Management Poor Change Management

Re: Reasons for possible delays on projects

22 April 2010 10:24
Here is a quick list: 1. Poor Estimates 2. Scope Creep 3. Not reading between the lines 4. Poor Project Management 5. Changes in management 6. Inefficient uses of material 7. Increased prices 8. Unforeseen Events
Last Edit: 14 years, 4 months ago by . Reason: (NULL)

Re: Reasons for possible delays & cost overruns on projects

22 April 2010 10:27
Scope creep shall not be a contributing factor for any cost over runs, if contract is administered professionally. The contract conditions should be checked initially to see whether it clearly stipulates the way forward for claiming any additional works beyond the main contract scope. Diligent contract administration including timely notifications to the client for any Instructions and later claiming additional cost will prevent any cost overrun. Hence in line with the above situation, I strongly believe lack of vigilant and apt contract administration can be a cause of cost over run.
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Re: Reasons for possible delays & cost overruns on projects

22 April 2010 10:30
Major factors for cost over-run on any project are:
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30 Sep 2017

Re: Reasons for possible delays & cost overruns on projects

22 April 2010 10:33
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