Future Project Controllers

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Future Project Controllers

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30 Sep 2017

Future Project Controllers

24 March 2010 1:35
The way cos focussing on standardizing schedule, creating templates, automated spreadhseets, softwares etc.., will that reduce the importance of genuine project controllers in future ? Will it be a case that any one can become a planner if he/she knows few softwares ??
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30 Sep 2017

Re: Future Project Controllers

7 December 2010 7:08
Project Controls as a department and a key functionality to move project and reduce time and cost overruns on projects shall exist till such time that large scale projects are executed. The base principles of understanding the job, the work flow, production rates, detailed resource requirements shall always remain the key parameters that shall determine the quality of plans made and the reports generated, requirements of a good project planner. I believe in times to come with the advancement in technologies and the ease with which schedule calculations are being made, the forecast analysis being done, layouts are being made and presented as part of M.I.S reporting structure, the shift would be towards measurable value addition on projects thru detailed analysis, following detailed plan preparation rather than on monitoring and updating.  Further when Clients get more serious on imposing L.Ds on projects (with the need of completed structure/service to be under operation, avoiding delays on returns to investment made), the value generated by this department shall increase manifold. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by Bala. Reason: (NULL)
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