Critical Path

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Critical Path

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30 Sep 2017

Critical Path

22 February 2010 3:33
Hi All, We All Know About the Critical Activities. Bu Can Any One Explain Me How this critical Activities changes on a weekly/Monthly. Will there be a new critical activities formed while progressing? or any such?
Joined On:
30 Sep 2017

Re: Critical Path

22 February 2010 3:33
As long as your schedule is logically driven, activities can become critical & non critical depends upon the progress you make. Once you schedule (F9 in P3/6) the job after updates, it will recalculate the critical path (CP) and your TF (total float) for each task would/may change. Hope this helps, however feel free for any further query. Regards,

Re: Critical Path

4 March 2010 2:20
thanks for the Reply. One More Quest. Does We Call the Negative Floated activity too Critical Activity or in Some other Term

Re: Critical Path

4 March 2010 2:20
Project Controls team generally define whats the critical.. I have seen treating TF<5 as critical. Coming back to your question, -ve float definitely makes the activity critical as long as its logic driven.. Hope this answers ,

Re: Critical Path

4 March 2010 2:20
we can have several critical path, but one and only one Hypercritical Path. It depend from the project set up, its a good practice to kepp a positive float between the hypercritical and the project end, this gaves us a contingency buffer to manage with to balance the critical path weekly/monthly movement. In large scale projecy (> 2 years) is good pratice to indicate TF < 30 at least. While updating the network the CP will always change, the importante is to puth in place remedial actions to be back on track.
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