About Kildrummy Software
For more than a decade the world’s leading companies have used Kildrummy® Software to manage and control projects. Designed, developed and delivered by project professionals all our products have flexibility, scalability and can be easily integrated with other corporate systems.
Kildrummy® CostMANAGER Enterprise
corporate accounting and project planning. Kildrummy® CostMANAGER provides budget, forecast, commitment and expenditure control for projects of any scale, in any sector and can be used on a single project or in a portfolio management (multi-project) scenario, to report across projects. It is fully scalable to large organisations and can be deployed across a WAN or low-bandwidth connection.
Kildrummy® CostMANAGER is extremely flexible and can be used in any organisation which considers effective project management to be key to success. It is easy to set up, allowing users to configure the system to suit their own requirements. Kildrummy® CostMANAGER was designed to be used by all members of the project team who need to manage, analyse and report on project cost performance. This can include directors, project and program managers, project services managers, engineers, cost accountants and cost engineers.
Why Kildrummy® CostMANAGER Enterprise?
Key Benefits
CostMANAGER Express
provides off-the-shelf project cost management for smaller or embryonic projects. Kildrummy® CostMANAGER Express captures lessons learned from our many years of experience and offers a fixed-cost, pre-configured solution featuring cost management best practice.
is our online solution, delivering Kildrummy® CostMANAGER Enterprise and Express straight to your desktop on a pay-as-you go basis. Kildrummy® CostMANAGER Live eliminates the need to buy software or server hardware - all you need is an internet connection to get immediate access to our industry standard solutions.
Kildrummy® Data Exchange Automated Upload
Using the Kildrummy® Data Exchange (“KDE”) you will automate the processing, validation and importing of data from popular finance and scheduling applications into Kildrummy® CostMANAGER.
KDE automated import enables Kildrummy® CostMANAGER users to add value, focusing on productive activities instead of spending excessive time manually manipulating and importing data.
This time-saving process also reduces the number of occasions that your data comes into human contact, enabling consistent information flow from one application to another and reducing the opportunity for human error to occur.
KDE Automated Imports are custom created by Kildrummy and can be used to:
These activities can be scheduled to take place overnight or at pre-defined milestones in your reporting cycle.
Implementation Process
Implementing your KDE automated import involves several steps and should be carried out by a Kildrummy Technical Consultant.
As a first step your Kildrummy Technical Consultant will define and document your requirements and analyze a sample of your source data confirming:
Your organisation then creates a data extract which is delivered from the source application(s) into staging tables in the Kildrummy® CostMANAGER database. These staging tables match the source data in terms of columns and data-types. If the source application permits, this process can be set up as a scheduled task.
The Kildrummy® CostMANAGER automated import starts from these staging tables and is in the form of a number of SQL stored procedures that are called either by the SQL Scheduler or by a third party scheduling application. These procedures pre-process, validate and update the database with valid data, enabling you to concentrate upon and correct items which have failed validation.
Kildrummy® WinCERTS
Kildrummy® WinCERTS is a desktop computer system designed to record, monitor and report on inspection and certification tests. It is most suited to large and complex projects with many thousands of such activities & is flexible enough to work on anything from elaborate networks to a single stand-alone personal computer. The system has been developed and improved over 15 years through close participation with commissioning engineers.
Kildrummy® WinCERTS provides the commissioning team with rapid, factual progress information on project certification through the mechanical completion, commissioning and handover phases. The certification engineer has a visible audit trail of progress from management level summary reports to status of individual items of equipment. By helping to track the progress of project certification, system acceptance and handover, including identifying key problem areas, Kildrummy® WinCERTS contributes to delivering project success.
The main features of the Kildrummy® WinCERTS application include, but are not limited to, the following:
Discipline Registers
Kildrummy® WinCERTS has been designed around a simple concept wherein the project's certification data is broken down for control purposes into discipline registers which reflect the overall content of the project Equipment List: Mechanical & Electrical Equipment, Instruments, Cables etc. In addition further discipline registers may be created to control the certification process for construction activities: Civil, Structural Steel, Architectural etc. The number of registers (their characteristics and terminology) to track certification per project is user definable: for example the project may wish to see separate registers or groups for Loss Control and Trace Heating.
A library of test certificates can then be defined according to the project procedures. The certification engineer can then build up the certification requirements for each item (Tag Number, Cable, Loop, Test Pack, Work Pack etc.). The level of detail of the certification requirements is up to the user: a high level strategy employing discipline, acceptance and handover certificates or a detailed audit trail whereby each individual voltage, pressure, leak test certificates are identified.
Kildrummy® WinCERTS has an easy method of updating the status of each certificate, the date of the test and, where required, track the certificate number. The result is a comprehensive history of certification tests and compilation of test dossiers for handover to the operator.
Control and report structures may be designed by the client to reflect the overall status reporting for the Commissioning Team. These structures can contain different levels of detail and are hierarchical. They would typically represent the following report queries: Phase / System / Sub-System, Acceptance Certificate / Handover Certificate, Work Area, Responsibility / Contractor etc. The detailed items (Tags, Cables etc.) identified in the discipline registers are linked into the appropriate part of the structure. The structures provide the framework for both detailed outstanding work lists and management summary reports.
Kildrummy® WinCERTS provides a very powerful reporting capability enabling the engineer to (a) query the detail / progress of each discipline register as well as (b) issue management with overall status reports during the mechanical completion, pre-commissioning, commissioning and handover phases of the project. The flexibility is such that any part of the structures created may be queried with the engineer choosing the output level of detail required.
Associated query registers to record and control Punch Lists, Engineering Queries, Site Queries, Construction Change Notes and Non-conformances
Kildrummy® WinCERTS applications have been successfully linked to other client/project systems. Typically this has involved regular downloads from the client's engineering registers. The system has been developed in MS Visual Basic and uses a database that can be read in MS Access. Clients have the option to create user definable interfaces and reports in Access or request that Kildrummy develop them.
Key Benefits