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Event Announcement : EVA20 (May 2015) - Putting down the roots for Good Governance [#eVa20]

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Newsletter Issue
EVA 20


Putting down the roots for Good Governance [#eVa20]

Magna Carta and seal

The major UK event for Project Control knowledge, know-how and networking

  • Conference Tuesday 16 & Wednesday 17 June
  • Workshops planned Monday 15 & Thursday & Friday 18/19 June
  • Armourer’s Hall, Moorgate, EC2R 5BJ map

Eight hundred years ago next year, on [15 June 1215] an embattled King John met the English barons, who had backed his failed war against the French and were seeking to limit his powers on the banks of the Thames in Runnymede.

The weakened monarch had little choice but to witness the sealing of what some say is the world's most important document, one that, symbolically at least, established a new relationship between the king and his subjects. Governance for all.

Signing the Magna Carta
In recognition of this landmark in our history the Great and the Good from the last twenty years have been invited to come and discuss the profession of project management. A look back and a look forward. And to sign their own charter in support of the profession.

Stephen Carver and his Knights of the Round Table will be there to tell the story of Magna Carta and its place in modern Governance. The Holy Grail of Portfolios Programmes and Projects will be discussed and a framework enabling them to truly extract benefits will be presented.

The ways that we can best control and report on projects will be revealed.

We attempt the miracle of turning Agile into something more than a fad. We offer it a home and a purpose.

Looking at ourselves we ask how we can get better by really Listening. And show how that will help us to Learn and Lead.

We also know that you can only Change if you really want to and will ask one of our leading practitioners to tell the Cautionary Tale of Failed Change so that you can Learn from experience other than your own.

Demands will be made for better proof that Project Management works. Strong arguments will be made that we need evidence not snake-oil.

There will be music and laughter too!

Speaker line-up includes:

  • Improving Major Projects – Sir Tim Laurence, Major Projects Association
  • Growing Project Capability and Capacity in Government Projects - Tim Banfield, MPA
  • Constructing the Future – Alistair Kirk, HS2
  • A history of Project Management in 15 Years – Stephen Carver, Cranfield University
  • The other Earned Value – Dr. Peter Morris, UCL
  • Organisation. Culture. Diversity. OCD in Project Management – Louise Hardy, Skanska
  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Shake off the doubts and be a project leader - Elizabeth Harrin
  • Say Yes to the Mess. Coping with change, complexity and conflict – The Agile Jazz Blues Band

See Conference Programme for full details …

Book now to take advantage of our early bird discount.
Contact us if you would like to discuss your involvement as a sponsor or supporter.

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