
Remove relationship for multiple activities

Jun 21
Remove relationship for multiple activities You have a group of activities which need to be removed all relationship Instead of going to each activity and click the Remove button, you can select all activity -> right click ->  Assign -> Click on either Pr..
Hits: 3206

Does it matter calculating the total float from the start dates or finish dates in P6?

Jun 21
Does it matter calculating the total float from the start dates or finish dates in P6? We were taught that the total float is the amount of time that the activity can be delayed without affecting the overall project duration. And the calculation of the total float is the difference ..
Hits: 4302

Open Microsoft Project file and a blank screen appear

Jun 21
Open Microsoft Project file and a blank screen appear When you work with Microsoft Project 2010 in 2 monitor, you finish working, save the file and then next day you open a project file and a blank screen appear like this: What the he**, where is my project? At first I..
Hits: 4555

Can not import Layout

Jun 21
Can not import Layout Your colleague send you Primavera XER file and Layout file. After you import project successfully, you click on Layout -> Open -> Import -> Select the layout. And this error appear: You may think “Wow, this layout file must be damaged. I n..
Hits: 2489

How to backup and restore Primavera P6 SQL database

Jun 21
How to backup: Go to Start -> SQL Server Management Studio Enter Login information. The default username is “sa” and password is “Prima123Vera” Select the database, right-click, go to Task -> Back Up Click on “Add” button ..
Hits: 9143

How to backup and restore Primavera P6 Oracle Express (XE) database

Jun 21
How to backup: From the command prompt (go to ‘Start’ > ‘Run’ > type ‘cmd’ and click ‘OK’) using the format below exp system/<password>@XE full=y file=<path>\xedump.dmp log=<path>\exp_xedump.log Where: <pa..
Hits: 6044

Renumbering Activity ID in Primavera P6

Jun 21
By default activity ID in Primavera has a format like A1000, A1010 and so on. How about we can make the ID more meaningful. For example we can change the “A” letter to show the WBS which they belong to. First you will select all activities you need to renumber. Go to ..
Hits: 3207

How to Trim Activity ID or Activity Name in Primavera P6

Jun 21
When we think about Trim data, we usually export and do it in excel. However Primavera P6 also give us a tool to trim data by itself. For example you need to get rid of the “A” letter in Activity ID. First you go to Tool -> Global Change Click on “New&rdquo..
Hits: 4406

Export data to Excel with "lowest level" summary data only

Jun 21
You create an Activity code to group data as you wish. After assigning and grouping activity by Activity code, here is the result: You want to export only the summary data to excel. So we will tick the “Show Summaries Only” option. However, you only want to export ..
Hits: 2131

Convert Microsoft Project MPP to MPX to import to Primavera

Jun 21
Nowadays, Microsoft Project save file as MPP format. However Primavera allow to import file as MPX format. So, here is the tool help you to convert MPP to MPX.
Hits: 39505

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